In order to help your financial status and tackling the economic situation of your country, try making
yourself the creator of the job, not the one seeking for it. Or make alternative money making initiatives like sports betting and playing casino games at if you have extra money to spare. China being the world’s definitive manufacturer,
got much output of the products, so by starting that doing in your own country will increase not only the
economic status of your country but also your financial status. When the manufacturing will be placed in
your country, it will help keep the output to ourselves and create more jobs for some people.
Uneducated people are mostly limited to agricultural aspects of earning money. Now this generation has put
emphasis on education the most, and we can innovate some ideas and become the creators of the jobs for
those who seek them.
How is this generation capable of providing jobs?
This generation is the most educated one in this era. We have so much knowledge in different aspects of
education because we were provided many resources, like money and transportation. Going to another place
to study and making our careers was provided to us very quickly. With education and our skills, we can
generate new business ideas and do most of our manufacturing by ourselves so that we can be an
independent country. And with business processes and documentations have never been so easy. Being independent will give rise to our GDP, and other countries will also try to take
our help with their manufacturing problems.
Education is the base of the jobs. Even for modern agriculture, you have to get a degree in that, to know all
the facts about the agriculture. There is nothing possible without studies. If you are an aspiring interior or
fashion designer, you still need to get your course done in turn to have your own business started in that
specific field.
There are so many fields of careers, and we can master one, and then it is up to ourselves we can open our
own workplace and train others in that respective field. In education, the quality matters, not quantity; you
can get so many degrees, but if you can create more job options for others also while keeping up with your
own job, it is of no use.
What is this policy of creating more content rather than indent doing for students?
With this policy’s help, the burden of books on the student’s shoulders will be lightened. More language
classes are included so that it would help the student ease of living anywhere in the country. Learning a
language also gives a feeling of unity. By transforming the rules and regulations in education from time to
time, you will see the difference in quality. With time everything needs a proper updating, it gives
everything a new and better way of critical thinking. Alternatively, you could look into selling roller skates for women.
At last, reading through this article must have given you an overview of how education is essential and how
you can create more opportunities for others with the help of your knowledge.