Due to COVID-19, schools and colleges have been shut down for student’s safety measures. All the classes
are being held online, and students are studying on their smartphones or laptops. Many teachers were not
aware of the aspects of teaching through a computer device. Due to this pandemic, they have also started
going digital and have started feeling confident about teaching online.
Not every school had the means to provide the classes online before the pandemic; due to this, the resources
in schools have increased and are using high tech means for the betterment of students.
How are online classes affecting student’s lives?
Students of younger age are the most difficult ones to handle through a video chat, they are shy to sit in front
of a camera, plus it sometimes doesn’t make the whole like-wise impact as it is in a real classroom. It would be nice to introduce them to a platform which would allow them to socialize at the comfort of their room – an app like Chat Spin. When doing online classes you might be in need of an online thesaurus. While So, teachers are making a video of their lessons
and sending them to the parents regarding the topic they had to cover or the basic concepts for children. When the
children look at the content daily, they start to get the idea in their mind. Destinies of all the nations, which
are students, are provided the proper shaping in the classrooms. Virtual teaching has helped the students keep
their minds filled with knowledge regularly without wasting their precious years of education.
For adults, it has become to get the knowledge from the ease of their home. They can learn the context very
quickly, without having to leave their place. For some students, it has become cost-effective also because
some students have to move to another location due to their education; and pay for other expenses like rent
and extra bills for electricity and food.
Online classes have become a boon for introverts; they don’t have to face the anxiety of going out and face
their peers; they are happy to be at their safe place without having any putting a stop to their studies. On the
other hand, extroverts are looking for the opportunity to go out and meet their friends. If you know someone who’s suffering from anxiety or addiction, please send them over to https://www.woburnaddictiontreatment.com/
How do online classes affect parents?
Some parents who did not have time to help their children out are now helping them with their classes and
getting an opportunity to better bond with them. Some parents who were also not aware of the aspects of
computer are getting to know how vast it is. Many parents also find themselves becoming the teacher of
their younger kids because it is hard for a teacher to handle them virtually. Kids tend to take less interest in
the class because the environment is not as same as the classroom, so the parents end up being the one home
schooling them.
Online classes have given students the opportunity, to continue their studies during this global pandemic. It
is the dynamic nature of the education ministry, that has provided such a fantastic solution without putting a
stop in the knowledge gaining of students.